Saturday, December 5, 2009

We are not concerned with democracy or dictatorship, we just want Pakistan as the first priority of our leaders.

Today, unfortunately, Pakistan is passing through difficult, delicate and sensitive phase of its history. It’s now not a question of ruling the country, but the intensity of problems demand that now it is the question of survival of Pakistan. Pakistan is facing intense external and internal problems. The biggest problem that, now, Pakistan is facing is terrorism suicide attacks. A sense and feelings of insecurity is expanding among the people of Pakistan and now they are no more trusting on government for provision of security. In order to end the terrorism military operation is at its full scale in FATA areas. But this operation has resulted in displacement of nearly three million people from this region. Now the government is trying to manage one of the biggest displacement of the world has ever seen, over three million people have left the tribal areas and Malakand division. These people are now in various camps in Sawabi, Mardan and other parts of NWFP. The provision of food, shelter, health facilities has the biggest problems that now Pakistan is facing. These people are living a very pathetic life, as there is no clean water, lack of electricity and hot climate is unbearable to the people. Children are becoming ill. This is the biggest displacement of mass of people after independence. The issue concerning the internal displaced people (IDPs) is not simply that of displacement; but it’s also of poverty. Friends of Pakistan have promised to give 4 billion dollar to help IDPs but till now we have received only fraction of it. Then there is problem of rehabilitation of these displaced people. There have been rallies against the rehabilitation of these people in Sindh, which last question of the unity of Pakistan, as these people are Pakistani. The law and order situation has blocked the way of investment. Rather people are shifting their assets to foreign countries due to uncertainty instability in the country. This has also badly affected the economic situation of Pakistan. Recently the budget has been announced for year 2009-10. Total outlay of Budget 2009-10 is Rs2.489 trillion, out of which Rs50 billion has been allocated for the displaced of operation in Malakand Division. In order to fulfill its demand Pakistan has borrowed money from IMF. In budget, budget deficit is 4.9% of GDP. The government is aiming to fill this gap partly with help of friends of Pakistan and partly from internal resources. If friends of Pakistan would not be able to help then it would borrow from IMP which further burden our meager economy. Similarly there are other issues which seek attention.


Pakistan is facing many internal and external problems. There is American pressure and now the war against terror has become our own war and our politicians have to accept this. They should unite on one plate form. Political parties should support military operation because it’s a question of survival of Pakistan. The politicians should forget internal conflicts and should think for Pakistan first and foremost. Today, being a nation, we have the challenges of inequality between provinces, regional disparities, economic imbalances, poverty, and inflation and many other issues. Every institution of Pakistan should work with collaboration and cooperation. Military should respect the power of vote of people. They should give the time for democracy to flourish. But in today’s difficult time they both must work with each other and should support each other. The issues should be resolved through negotiation and bilateral diplomacy. Our foreign policy should be free and it should take decision in keeping countries benefits. Being a nation we have to pass this phase with courage. We have to prove ourselves as a nation, we have to fight this war, we have to save Pakistan, we have to once again sew the seed of peace, love, cooperation, respect, equality and above all seek help from Allah Almighty. May Allah help us to face this difficult time with courage, prayers and above all as one Muslims and one nation…AMEEN!


Anonymous said...

Well done arslan! i really appreciate your thinking. We should not be fighting over democracy or dictatorhship. We should support anyone who does good to pakistan

Anonymous said...

Pakistan Zindabad!!!

Anonymous said...

Xactly!!!!! that should be the spirit we should think for the betterment pf Pakistan no matter in what way it comes

Anonymous said...

yes we people should not waste our time by discussing the things which are of no use rather we should start doing good thingz for our loovely PAKISTAN.

ali haris said...

well work done that s what we should reazlize and start working rather discussing and foremost thing in our mind should be the betterment of pakistan

Anonymous said...

All of us just think about pakistan and nothing else and start working

Anonymous said...

yes this is the conlusion and the only thing that how our country can progressis that everyone one be concerned about pakistan

Anonymous said...

when any govt. will think to do well for pakistan by heart and not for their benefits then we can make this country go to top no matter it s democracy or dictatorship

dillshad khan said...

now its the time to think about pakistan and leave the crushes among ourselves no doubt that if any govt want they can do well for pakistan whether its democratic or dictator as our country has all the resources and all the powers which a country needs to develope

Anonymous said...

i appreciate for the people doing such work and making others realize that it s of no use to fight among each other. we should get united and do for pakistan

Anonymous said...

yes really we can do everything if we get united

Anonymous said...

exactly we should remember the way our forefathers achieved this country and not waste their sacrifices

Anonymous said...

we r also the same blood who faced everything with courage and answered each and every difficulty in a great manner so we can also be same and make this country better not even better rather the best!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

exactly this should be the thinking of every Pakistani..we shudnt fight over which system is the best fr us..we shud actuyally do smthng to make our country the best in the world..PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!!

Anonymous said...

great work arslan!
i thnk its the time to stand united n fulfill d dreams of our ancestors!

Anonymous said...

60 years n still we r fighting over which system is d best fr us??i thnk arslan is right..its time to move on..

Anonymous said...

yes we should be concerned with the progress of pakistan and not the system of govt.

Anonymous said...

i agree with all of you and appreciate your thinking that you peiple are sincere to pakistan but how can pakistan progress if the ones who r leading this country so we should be concerened with the system of govt.

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