Saturday, December 5, 2009

Democracy vs Dictatorship-the analysis

It is difficult to associate the terms democracy and dictatorship with one another. Despite the obvious contradiction, the two have gelled in a few countries that have made the proponents of democracy particularly uncomfortable. Recent waves of democracy in many troubled countries gave optimists the brief feeling of relief as accountable governments would be the standard ruling form. However, dictatorships have emerged in some countries under the guise of democratic rule.
Dictatorships often occur when a nation is economically and politically unstable. Imagine the next time you step into the voting booth your ballot only lists one candidate to choose from. Or perhaps your ballot lists four candidates, but they are all from the Liberal party. Dictatorships are one party political systems that are ruled by one leader or an elite group of people under the principle of authoritarianism. Some feel that dictatorships are the most effective form of government because decisions are made quickly and extreme nationalism benefits the military and economy. These individuals value order, nationalism, and authority. However, these systems often result in violence, repression of the public, and few provisions for changes to the system. Democracies are multiparty political systems that rest on the principle of rule by the people. Most people that live in democracies have civil liberties1, and political rights2. Individuals who feel that multi-party systems are the best government value equality, accountability, and freedom. Nations that have multiparty political systems will meet the needs of the public better through the means of political equality, a higher standard of livings, and civil liberties.
Democracy has been defined as the government of the people, for the people, by the people. In such a Government, people are themselves the rulers and the ruled. Government is formed through elections. All the adult citizens cast votes and elect their representatives. Thus it is a people's government. It is run through their elected representatives. Dictatorship is that form of Government in which there is centralization of power. All power rests in the hands of one single individual. The people have no say in the matters of Government. The main advantages of democracy are three. First, in this form of Government people enjoy a great deal of liberty. They get every freedom for self-expression. They can criticize the Government through the press and the platform. The Government can be dismissed at the will of the people. In such a Government, people are all-powerful. It is they who make and dismiss it.


Hasan Irshad said...

surely democracy is better then dictatorship

ali haris said...

no doubt democracy for sure

Anonymous said...

there shud be democracy but the way its done that shuould be fair

Anonymous said...

if u look throughout the world all the leading countries have developed through democratic style of govt

Anonymous said...

all the leading and developed countries in the world have gone up through democracy

Anonymous said...

domcracy is a bettert form of govt. but for pakistan i think dictatorship can work better

Anonymous said...

no doubt that for pakistan dictatorship can work better because all the democratic parties which come in to rule pakistan they just do corruption and think of their own benefits not for our nation

Anonymous said...

in Pakistan only dictatorship can work..coz our corrupt politicians only want their own gud..dey dont hve any concern fr the country..

Anonymous said...

dictatorship is d best fr our country..obviously if we want to see development in it..

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