Saturday, December 5, 2009

Democracy-A government of the people, for the people and by the people

Pakistan has been on worlds map for now more than 60 years.
For 60 years since its founding in the partitioning of British India, Pakistan has seesawed between military dictatorships and elected governments, and now new hope for stability is being placed on the chance that democracy there can be revived.

Only democracy can change a group of people into NATION.

AS from its definition ‘government of the people’ , means it’s the people who would be governing source, their interests would be kept on top of all priorities. But all would be happening through the GOVERNING BODY which too will be selected by the people of the country, and it would also be accountable in front of people if it makes any decision that affects the people’s interest and disturbs the sovereignty of the country. So in the nutshell its Peoples RULE.

’By the people’ means governing body comprises of people who have been nominated by the each region, and the are elected after fair elections, so there is no chance of any favoritism or discrimination. This is important because there is less chance of rebels.

”For the people” means that everything ,every decision would be made in best interest of the people, government would be serving the people.

Just by knowing the true definition of democracy even an illetrate man can come up with DEMOCRACY being the supreme and sound system.

If we just look back and throw light on Pakistan democratic history we can pretty much get the conclusion.
ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO was a democratic leader rather first success story of Pakistan. Even today people remember him as a leader whose first priority was the people of Pakistan.
Hatred for the government is a common practice here is Pakistan, but to be honest if the government’s foundation is laid upon true democracy ,there is not even a single reason why would people be having such feelings. Only democracy is the solution of all the problems in Pakistan.

All the previous governments before MUSHARAFF were supporting Taliban against Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. Under heavy American pressure, his turnaround of this policy was hailed in the West but loathed by the Pakistani masses, which see him as a traitor of Pakistani national interests, as his policy resulted in bringing the Northern Alliance into power, which had never been friendly to Pakistan. He did this to present his credentials of faithfulness to the United States in accordance with his January 12 speech promises. From that USA Afghan war till now there has been heavy blood shed in Pakistan, suicide killings, LAL MASjid, and many more, people of Pakistan are portrayed as TERRORISTS , is this in INTREST
of Pakistani nation? Certainly not. This was the biggest decision in Pakistan history and most of us yet don’t know the cause why there are suicide attacks in Pakistan. Had there been a democratic RULE these problems would never have been arisen.

The Economist has summarized his 'achievements' in the following words: "In three years as Pakistan's leader, General Musharraf has largely bleached out the Islamist colour given to the armed forces by a former dictator, Zia ul Haq. The top ranks have been purged; many lower-level officers with over-zealous views are being discreetly retired."

We know how to point at Government failure , we being from literate lot should be able to know the reason behind it. Pakistan’s foundation was laid on democracy. Other form of governments like dicataorship, military rule have all failed. DEMOCRACY, rather true democracy is the ultimate solution to pakistans all problems. People would work with their full zeal only if the have faith on the RULING part of the government that would respect their interests and would try to comfort the nation.


Anonymous said...

yes democracy can only solve all the problems

Anonymous said...

no doubt that democracy can solve all the problems but there should be a fair democatic procedure

Anonymous said...

but what do you say abt zardari? Is he a dictator or a democratic leader? and if he is a democratic leader is it helping our country?

Anonymous said...

yar in general PPP is a democratic party but in the zardari has come into rule thats wrong. And its answer is mentioned above that there should be democracy but it must be done in a fair manner

Anonymous said...

yes exactly i agree taht all our problems can be solved through democracy because democracy is a form of govt. which is for and by the people

Anonymous said...

as it is said above that democracy is a form of govt. for and by the general people so it can help because they will listen to the problems of general public and sort them out

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure that all the govts. which came in rule in pakistan failed except the Bhutto,s govt. so it shows that if anything which can help pakistan is only and only democracy

Anonymous said...

As it s clear from the history also that only democrats and not the dictators were the ones who brought revolution in any country so we should also go for democracy

Anonymous said...

yes its true that history tells that democracy always helped and one more thing is that as our Pakistan is an ISLAMIC country and ISLAM also suggests democratic style of government so we should go for democracy and noting else

Anonymous said...

its true dat Islam teaches us the democratic style of wht do u say abt d corrupt politicians?

Anonymous said...

we dont need a change of system..we need a change of d leaders..

Anonymous said...

its been over 60 years..n whenever dere was democracy in Pakistan..d country n d people suffered a lot..

Anonymous said...

we shud give a chance to our young generation n dose who hve best interests in deir hearts fr Pakistan..

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