Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ayub Khan

Ayub khan was born in Rehana near Haripur Pakistan, on 14 may 1907. He was the first military ruler, serving as the President of Pakistan (1958 - 1969). He became the first Commander in Chief of Pakistan army in 1951. he was the youngestl general and self-appointed Field Marshal in Pakistan's military history. Although Ayub Khan's military career was not extra ordinary or brilliant but he was promoted over several senior officers with distinguished careers. Ayub Khan was selected because of his reputation and his capabilities of a good administrator, his presumed lack of political ambition, and his lack of powerful group backing. After short time of his promotion he become a very power full political figure. Infact Ayub Khan was responsible for seeking and securing military and economic assistance from the United States and for aligning Pakistan with it in international affairs.
Before 3 months of the end of the tenure as commander in chief, ayub khan was declared as martial Law commander in October 1958, by Iskandar mirza, the president of Pakistan. After taking over control of Pakistan Army, Ayub khan deposed Iskandar Mirza on 27 of October 1958. He was welcomed by Pakistan as Pakistan was going through a very unstable political environment, after the independence.
In 1964, ayub called for the election of president of Pakistan, as he had his popularity at his peak with confidence. His confidence was proven true as he won the election of presidency of Pakistan on 2nd January 1965. He won with 64% of the votes. It was said that these election was not fair as ayub won from Fatimah Jinnah the sister of the founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah, which was not expected.
As a president of Pakistan, ayub khan allied with the global U.S military, against the Soviet Union which led to a alot of economic aid from U.S and European nations. As a result the industrial sector of Pakistan developed rapidly. As a result major improvement in economy of Pakistan. Inequality in distribution of wealth appeared to a big problem in the later stage of his presidency.
In 1956 in London during a meeting with chief engineer of nuclear power of Pakistan, an offer was purposed to Ayub khan of developing nueclear technology, which was disapproved by Ayub khan. The turning point of his rule was the war of 1965 between India and Pakistan. In 1961 Ayub khan appointed his close friend as a head of space program called National Aeronautics and Space Administration (SUPARCO). It was Ayub khan tenure, SUPARCO began training of Pakistani scientists and engineers in the NASA head quarter.
In 1969, he negotiated with the opposition alliance, except for Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Maulana Bhashani. 25 march 1969 Ayub khan made Yahya Khan the Commander in Chief General,and and over the control to him.


Anonymous said...

i believe he was not only a *thag* like other dictators.... atleast he did something for pakistan.

Anonymous said...

ya true i agree with u mr. but still he was a *thag*.

Anonymous said...

in his tenure the economy of pakistan boosted up. what else u guys expect from a dictator...duhh!!!

Anonymous said...

what about the 1965 war... he was responsible for all the crap... wat happen to u people.

Anonymous said...

sory forgot to mension abt bangladesh... he was responsible for its separation. know how can u say that he was a good dictator????

shabaz khan said...

whatever written above is a half truth about him..i have studied him very closely and i have learned that he was the rudest ,meanest and worst politician among all others..stop wasting your time ..i have wasted mine..get a life..move on.he is dead. dead is what he is.

Anonymous said...

i do not agree with u shabaz.i respect him alot .what ever he did ,he did it for pakistan.u people talk about bangladesh ?What abt sawat? balochistan?sarhad? every 1 make mistakes..he did make mistakes aswell..but u cant take away all the gud work he did for us.

shabaz khan said...

Now i dunt agree with u mr anonymous or wat ever ur name is..he built his own empires from ur money ..from my money..he took everything from us..if i get the option ,i ll make him alive nd will kill him again with my bare hands.

Anonymous said...

dunt make it ur personal issue shahbaz..his policies still working in pakistan..he never negotiated with bhutto.that was the best thing abt him..he never negotiated with bad people.

shabaz khan said...

mr. bhutto never negotiated with bhuto was the man of principles.take his name with respect..ayub khan was the most currupt leader of all times.thats all i can say abt him.1 more thing ,due to his policies we r still suffering.

Anonymous said...

dunt use the word "We" .cuz m not the 1 who is suffering .bhutto divided pakistan not ayub khan.

shabaz khan said...

meet me 2marow (place hot spot) @ 5 pm ..i ll make u suffer.

Anonymous said...

5 pm @ hot spot..done.

Anonymous said...

informative :)

Anonymous said...

everyone knwz dat Pakistan developed a lot during d times there was dictatorship in Pakistan

Faaizmuhammad said...

Whatever the history was how can he win from the mother of Pakistan, Fatima Jinnah. I guess wgen you are in power the rules are not same and equal.
as here live pakistan news

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