Saturday, December 5, 2009

Analysis of Zia Ul Haq's Islamization

On December 2,1978 General Muhammad Zia ul Haq delivered a nation wide address on the occasion of the first day of Hijra calendar. He did this in order to usher in an Islamic system to Pakistan. According to my opinion this was the first step of Zia to the process of Islamization.
After assuming the power the task that the government set to was its public commitment to enforce Nizam-e-Mustafa(Islamic system) a 180 degree turn from Pakistan’s predominantly Common Law. As a preliminary measure to establish an Islamic society in Pakistan.
Continiouing with the process of Islamization Zia’ government introduced hudood ordinance. This is that under offence against property, the punishment of imprisonment or fine, or both, as provided in the existing Pakistan Penal Code for theft, was substituted by the amputation of the right hand of the offender from the joint of the wrist by a surgeon. For robbery the right hand of the offender from the wrist and his left foot from the ankle should be amputated by surgeon. According to my own judgment these was a very strict rules but yet proved to be very effective at that time.
Zia’s government also introduced prohibition order. Drinking of wine(such as alcoholic drinks) was not a crime at all under the Pakistan Penal Code. In 1977, however the drinking and selling of wine by Muslims was banned in Pakistan and a sentence of imprisonment of six months or a fine of Rs 5000/-;or both was provided in that law. Under the prohibition order ,these provision of law were replaced by the punishment of eighty stripes. However the law was not applicable on the non Muslims who can possess a license to drink and/or manufacture alcoholic beverages from the government.
The next one is the Adultery(Zina) Ordinance which comes in the Zia’s Islamization. Under the Zina ordinance the provisions relating to adultery were replaced as that the women and the man guilty will be flogged, each of them, with hundred stripes, if unmarried. And if they are married they shall be stoned to death.
Then comes the blasphemy law. the Pakistan Penal Code and the criminal procedure were amended, through ordinance in 1980, 1982 and 1986 to declare anything implying disrespect to Muhammad,Ahle Bait(family of the prophet), Sahaba(companions of the prophet) and Sh’ar-i-islam(Islamic symbols) punishable with imprisonment or fine, or with both.
Islamization was sometimes used as a political process. Zia interpretation of islam may have contributed to the rise of fundamentalism. Since the death of zia in 1988 inconsistency and instability has prevailed in Pakistani laws.
Instability means that the law is frequently changing or is under threat of change because of differences in opinions among the ruling factions.


Anonymous said...

he created all the fights based on sects nd made us all scattered

Anonymous said...

i think he will never be forbiden for all his acts he did

Anonymous said...

the main thing is that he dint deserved to lead us bt unfortunately he became our leader and destroyed us

Anonymous said...

all of you r right but main thing is that wat happened is gone now we should change ourselves and get united and destroy them who have a bad eye on our country

Anonymous said...

yes that s very well said we should come on the right path now

Anonymous said...

true..our contry suffered a lot during his regime..

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