Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sharif brothers-rise, downfall and achievements

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef and Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Shareef are the two pioneers of Pakistan Muslim League (N). Nawaz Shareef became Prime Minister of Pakistan 1st in 1990 and then in 1997. Shahbaz Shareef is the president of PML(N) and Chief Minister of Punjab. The bad relations with military resulted the dissolvement of government of Nawaz Shareef when General Pervaiz Musharraf took over the charge on 12th October 1999. Nawaf Shareef was charged on the cases of corruption and extrajudicial killings.

The best era of PML ( N ) was 1997-1999 (AUGUST). PML(N) did great work for the betterment of Pakistan.
•The peak point of political career of Shareef Brothers was testing of nuclear tests on may 28th 1998.This was done in response to the detonations of five Indian nuclear devices. At that time, Pakistan was at very critical situation and Pak Army was alerted inorder to defend nuclear installations.
• The second best achievement was to solve Kargil Conflict in 1999, Nawaz Shareef gave tacit approval for planned attacks to stop Indian army.
• Nawaz Shareef proposed Islamic law based on Quran and Sunnah in 1998.
• The construction of Motorways in Pakistan was one of the biggest achievements of PML(N). It was the first Motorway in SOUTH ASIA. It was inaugurated in November 1997.


Nawaz Shareef was convicted in hijacking and terrorism when he blocked Pervaiz Musharraf from landing at Karachi airport. Later on, Supreme Court approved cases of corruption and Court sentenced Shareef Brothers to 14 years imprisonment and a fine of 20 million rupees.


Shareef brothers returned to Pakistan in September 2007 to face the dictatorship of Pervaiz Musharraf. Shareef Brothers worked a lot for the reinstatement of judges. In 2008 Elections, Both Shareef Brothers were called ineligible for elections, but later on the issue was solved and PML(N) won strongly in Punjab and PML(N) formed joint government with leading party Pakistan Peoples Party. On 16th March, 2009 PML(N) lead long march lead to the restoration of judiciary.


timmy said...

haha !ya the shareefs rock ! no doubt every person is not perfect, every politician is not perfect, but i sincerely believe that they HAVE DONE ALOT for PAKISTAN !

ali khan said...

no they hv done nothing except coruption throughout nd that s the only thing they can do

taimoor said...

no yar i agree that thay alot of corruption bt still they did many good things also

Unknown said...

wen u say that thay did corruption then how can u say that they are good!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah exactly they did alot of corruption

Anonymous said...

yar i m surprised that u people just look at their corruption and not the good things tthey have done

Anonymous said...

when they have done so much corruption then y we shoudnt look at them as bad ones

Anonymous said...

In pakistan who has not done corruption??? Look wat they have else done 4 ur country

aQeelzam said...

Why are you pretending that they did corruption, as an individual their is no case of corruption on Mian Sahab, & who those are saying about corruption, must put an eye on their own self, we all are doing the same, it is our national habit, we do bribe for our own sake, we use illegal electricity for our home & offices.
Jab hum khud saf suthray ho jain ge tab ye bat karnay ka haq hoga.. everyone is doing the same at his level.. Mind it, i hope you can understand humbly.

Faaizmuhammad said...

Ns was given two chances to stir Pakistan through the mess but could not performed well. Now if people again think about him a true patriotic Pakistani national and leader, we have no right to live. as here live pakistan news

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